Wednesday 23 February 2011

Arsenal. Borderline brilliance.

So here is my third post so far and my first non-LFC related post. I've always said from the beginning this blog would not be just all LFC posts, but include some more football related posts, and with Liverpool only managing a boring nil nil draw in the europa and not being involved in the FA Cup over the weekend, anything I post would of been either boring or more possibly a lie. So the one team that springs to mind who I feel are worthy of a post, are the team who let a four nil lead slip at half time to newcastle and then eleven days later go on to comeback and beat the catalan giants barcelona 2-1 in the champions league first leg... It can only be Arsenal FC.

So Arsenal FC, what phrases come to mind when you think of 'The Mighty Gunners'? "The team is to young to win a trophy" "Next year they'll be one hell of a team" "They just don't have the quality in depth to compete in all competitions." After the era of The invincibles only one player still plays in the Arsenal team today, Gael Clichy. And the Arsenal team he plays in today are only a shadow of the invincibles of 03-04. Players like Viera, Pires and Henry have been replaced with the likes of Fabergas, Nasri and Arshavin, all of which are high quality players but all of which have only had a glimpse of true success at Arsenal. Cesc Fabergas now captain of Arsenal was only in the academy the last time Arsenal won a league title. With the statue of the team, the players they have, the manager in charge how have they managed to go five years without winning a trophy? Most argue that Arsene Wenger has been building a team from youth with the likes of wilshere and fabergas being a few of the success stories under Arsene. But it has come to the point where no longer can people truly say that Arsenal is still full of youngsters. Players like Nasri, Van Persie and Fabergas are all now in there peak, and this has been evident this year no question. But still they sit second behind Man United and drawing against the likes of newcastle in the way they did, would have done themselves no favours, so the premier league looks out of reach once again this season with Man Utd taking the league by storm. However it is a different story in the Champions league, finishing second in there group they were drawn against 3 times champions FC Barcelona. But after falling behind in the 26th Minute from a David Villa goal, Arsenal played there typical counter attacking football and went on to win 2-1 putting themselves in a very good position going into the second leg. 
So with the carling cup final on the weekend, a Fa-Cup replay against Leyton Orient and a trip to Barcelona things are still looking very good for the Gunners. 
My personal opinion from an outsider looking in is, if Arsenal can get themselves a decent keeper like Shay Given, David De Gea, Hugo Lloris etc.., aswell as strengthen there centre back pairing because I feel after the likes of Campbell, Toure and Gallas left they have struggled to find adequate replacement. If they do manage to do fix these problems in the summer then maybe they can become a dominant european force.
However only time will tell if these young Gunners have matured enough to go on and collect Silverware this season.

Croft xD 

*Hope you enjoyed this weeks post, I am aware that some of my grammar mistakes are amateurish but hopefully you can see past this and see a Liverpool fan trying his best to talk about Arsenal. All the best and i'll see you in a few weeks. 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Good post xD, appreciate the nod to Arsenal. I largely agree with your thoughts - however I would add that although this crop of players seem to have been around a while - they are in no way 'getting on'. Fab is stil only 23 and RVP is the same age that Henry was the year we were invincibles.

    I do take the point that from an outside perspective it's maybe time we won something (a kind of 'put up or shut up' argument), however I can honestly say that I think I am happy with us playing beautiful football even if it is at the expense of regular silverware. Of course it is occasionally frustrating (and believe me I was fuming after the Newcastle game), but most of the time it is a delight to behold and makes me as a supporter very proud. My dad's way of summing this up is to use the analogy that when you go and see a comedian you don't care how many Perrier comedy awards they've got - you just want them to make you laugh! I guess the same could be said for films. Titanic won 11 oscars - and yet it's an absolute trial to watch!

    Anyway - I'd better not turn this into a blog of my own! Keep up the good work!
