Tuesday 8 February 2011

Torres and the un-fulfillment of destiny.

So my first blog didn't get many views, but that's ok. It's a new blog so it is bound to take some time for it to get noticed. So onwards and upwards! 

So Fernando Torres Chelsea's number nine came out and spoke about how it was his destiny to score against Liverpool on sunday. Destiny is defined as "an event that will inevitably happen in the future", so it was no surprise to find that this put fear into the hearts of 'some' Liverpool fans. Also before the big game Torres spoke to ChelseaTV at how happy he is to 'finally' be at a big club, not the smartest thing to have said. But after the game Torres did re-track what he said and even said that Liverpool were in fact the bigger club out of the pair (due to history), and he was also backed by former team mate Dirk Kuyt who said Torres may not have said something he meant with having english as his second language, so to be fair trying learning a second language and having the press focus on every word you say, your bound to make mistakes so am happy to drop the matter. So unless Torres comes out to the press again make comments regarding Liverpool, I highly doubt you'll see myself mentioning his name in any of my future posts. This isn't out of anger or bitterness but simply as a way of moving on, and by beating chelsea 1-0 this will greatly help myself do so and am sure will have done for many others.
Alot of Liverpool players including the likes of Gerrard, Carragher and recently today Dirk Kuyt have all called on our american owners to give Kenny Daglish the full time job on a permanent basis. The King said he would only happily step down as caretaker manager of Liverpool if someone else better than himself were to take charge. And off the top of my head I honestly can't think of anyone else more suited for the job. He knows the club better than anyone, he has brilliant man managment skills seeing the likes of Meireles, Lucas and Martin Kelly all flourish under him. And in my opinion the most important factor, he has truly managed to bring the feel good factor back to Anfield proven by 4 straight wins, something which Liverpool have been lacking in the last 18 months under Rafa and Roy. 
So hopefully my next post will be maybe in a fortnight when liverpool have played a few more matches and hopefully we can continue to carry on the unbeaten streak we are on at the moment.

Croft xD

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